Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday I had

Half cup of rice and peas with 2 pieces of brown stew chicken
hi5 wight loss pill

Banana mid day

I think I forgot to eat for the rest of the day.

Had my tea and detox pill.
Been a hectic weekend but back today to update you on what i ate..


Ackee and Saltfish
Hi5 Weight loss pill
70 ounces of water

Went to Kennys cousins bday party an the food look so scrumptious and tasted delicious but I watched everything that I ate. I has one shrimp and lobster roll, 1 chicken roll, 1 bbq glazed chicken wing, plate of salad and one small spoonful of shrimp pasta. I also had two shots of Mango Margarita.

Came home and had tea and detox pill.

Friday, September 24, 2010

An easy way to make sure you are drinking the right amout of water daily.

It is said we should drink about 64 ounces of water daily to replenish our body and keep the right juices flowing. It is also said the best way to drink water is room temperature. One easy way to make sure I am doing my daily intake is by buying the big plastic cups that are about 18 ounces. I fill 4 cups up with water and I make sure that all four cups of water are drank daily. It does work! If you want your water cold, just put the cups in the fridge, but its just easier to drink room temperature to me.

My tip for the day! Water replenishes the soul, make sure you are drinking enough everyday!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

For Thursday, I had a sardine sandwich (yucky....) Mid day I had 1 piece of fried chicken, and for dinner had a salad. I took my hi5 pill and am now sipping on tea, about to take my detox pill. Had 8 glasses of water. I feel great.

I forgot to post yesterday Wednesday but I had a tuna sandwich, 1 boiled green banana, half a cup of yellow rice and two pieces of oxtail. I also made a late salad. Dranks about 8 glasses of water. Had my hi5 pill as well as my detox pill at night.
Progress is going great. Lost about 6 lbs so far. I have about 10 more poinds to go to hit my target. Keep posted!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am about to have my cup of mint tea and my detox tea but before that I had my last snack of the night. I have 15 tortilla chips... scrumptious (lo) Today I also had a plum and a peach for early breakfast then had a tuna sandwich with my hi5 weight loss precision pill. For dinner I had checken breast with 1 boiled green banana and small salad with italian dressing. Had about 8 glasses of water throughout the day. Again, have no appetite to eat, but force myself. These pills definitely cut the appetite.
On Monday I had

Subway sandwich- Turkey Breast on whole wheat bread. 6 inch sub
Hi5 Weight loss precision pill
Plum Midday
Chicken Breast and half cup of rice and peas (yes leftovers from Sunday night)
Day 4 of Detox

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today I didnt each much. I know I am supposed to eat, but these Hi5 pills give me no appetite at all. I have to remind myself to eat... so today consisted of,

Ackee and saltfish with breadfruit. (jamaican dish for those who dont know)
Hi5 weight loss precision pill
8 glasses of water
two pieces of chicken (leg and breast) and a half cup of rice and peas

I am now sipping on my tea about to have one more glass of water with my detox pill.

Will tomorrow be the day I take my lazy butt on a jog? Only time will tell... :)
Just got up the guts to step on the scale... I have lost 4 lbs in 3 days!!!! I am fricken excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday Sept 18th was a good day...

I had a late breakfast meeting with my business partner Tashawna. I had Ihop- on the menu was Sirloin tips with white eggs, harvest wheat pancakes and a glass of orange juice. I then took my Hi5 Weight loss precision pill. We are supposed to eat a nice hearty meal before taking this pill and thats exactly what I did :)

One thing I am noticing with the hi5 pill is that I am going to the bathroom more frequently. Dont know if its getting rid of water weight, but I would say every hour on the hour, I am urinating. The number 2 comes frequently too... lol. I told you all I would be blogging everything that happens to me, so sorry if its TMI! LOL. I also noticed that it cuts my appetite down to a minimum. If I dont tell myself I have to eat, I dont have the craving too. I had some trail mix (peanuts, cashews, raisins and an m&m here and there) this was my midday snack. Tyrone tried to tempt me again, but this time it was with the butter pound cakes that he brought in the house. Evil man I tell ya

Midday, I had a nice salad with lettuce, carrots, pastrami meat, sliced up strawberries, and italian dressing. It was a nice portion salad and I felt stuffed after eating it. I watched my african movie and three hours later had another snack of about 10 whole strawberries which was scrumptious...

I then took my detox tea and did some computer work and off to bed! I havent recorded my weight, I think I am scared to go on the scale, but I feel smaller... lol

Friday, September 17, 2010

My meals for September 17

Choyote and saltfish and 1 green banana
Hi5 weight loss pill
8 ounces of glass every hour for about 8 hours
Plum mid day
Trail mix snack
Ritz crackers and salmon spread
3 pieces of chicken wings for dinner

Cup of mint tea and day two of my detox cleanser pill

Felt pretty good today, no weakness or jitters at all.
So I am sitting here eating my trail mix and Tyrone walks in with a bowl of Blue Bell Banana Split icecream (my favorite) and asked me if I would like some... Evil I tell you, just evil!!!!!! Not a good afternoon. Will drink a cup of water and eat a plum. LOL
On September 16th I have reached my ephiphany. I am 156 lbs!!! I havent been this big since being 9 months pregnant with my daughter 16 years ago! What has become of me I ask???? So, today I vow to throw away the sweets, and the White aint Right (carbs) and take control of my body. I am doing a massive two week challenge to myself and invite you all as I journey to get back to Deecadiva....

With the help if my hi5 organic precision weight loss pill, my 10 day colon cleanse, veggies, fruits, water and jogging; I will track my everyday activites and eating diet to see if I can make my target of 140 lbs. The reason for the urgency is on October 5, 2010 I have to have my bikini-ready body for my Cancun trip.

Enjoy the journey of the Deeca 2 week challenge....