Friday, September 17, 2010

On September 16th I have reached my ephiphany. I am 156 lbs!!! I havent been this big since being 9 months pregnant with my daughter 16 years ago! What has become of me I ask???? So, today I vow to throw away the sweets, and the White aint Right (carbs) and take control of my body. I am doing a massive two week challenge to myself and invite you all as I journey to get back to Deecadiva....

With the help if my hi5 organic precision weight loss pill, my 10 day colon cleanse, veggies, fruits, water and jogging; I will track my everyday activites and eating diet to see if I can make my target of 140 lbs. The reason for the urgency is on October 5, 2010 I have to have my bikini-ready body for my Cancun trip.

Enjoy the journey of the Deeca 2 week challenge....

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