Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yesterday Sept 18th was a good day...

I had a late breakfast meeting with my business partner Tashawna. I had Ihop- on the menu was Sirloin tips with white eggs, harvest wheat pancakes and a glass of orange juice. I then took my Hi5 Weight loss precision pill. We are supposed to eat a nice hearty meal before taking this pill and thats exactly what I did :)

One thing I am noticing with the hi5 pill is that I am going to the bathroom more frequently. Dont know if its getting rid of water weight, but I would say every hour on the hour, I am urinating. The number 2 comes frequently too... lol. I told you all I would be blogging everything that happens to me, so sorry if its TMI! LOL. I also noticed that it cuts my appetite down to a minimum. If I dont tell myself I have to eat, I dont have the craving too. I had some trail mix (peanuts, cashews, raisins and an m&m here and there) this was my midday snack. Tyrone tried to tempt me again, but this time it was with the butter pound cakes that he brought in the house. Evil man I tell ya

Midday, I had a nice salad with lettuce, carrots, pastrami meat, sliced up strawberries, and italian dressing. It was a nice portion salad and I felt stuffed after eating it. I watched my african movie and three hours later had another snack of about 10 whole strawberries which was scrumptious...

I then took my detox tea and did some computer work and off to bed! I havent recorded my weight, I think I am scared to go on the scale, but I feel smaller... lol

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